Our Mission

“Strive to contribute to the creation of added value for flat steel products by providing solutions and fulfilling the needs of our clients and suppliers.”

Our Vision

“Build our way into the future by positioning ourselves as the most competitive steel service center in the region.”

Our Values

“Fairness” and “Humility”

Build trust based on “Fairness” and “Humility”.

“Discipline” and “Agility”

Aspire to set high standards and contribute to society with integrity.

But do so by fostering a culture of open-mindedness.

Innovative and Challenging Spirit

Be attentive to change and capture opportunities to create something new.

Contribute in a decisive way challenging yourself and others, motivating the improvement of the quality of our services.

Respecting the Environment

All our efforts shall be based on and supported by the value placed on conserving our environment and for the health and safety of all.

Company’s Policy

The Top Management of MAG ALIANÇA AUTOMÓVEIS DO BRASIL SSC S.A. established at Resende-RJ, developing its business based on: “Commercialization, Distribution and Services at Processing Flat Steel Plates”, invests in a strategy of development capable of integrating the Environment, health and Safety and Quality systems, in all your activities, products and services, conscious that the quality of its products and services and the preservation of the natural environment and the health and safety of all are essential conditions for the economic and sustainable development at the field where it works and a value to be added at the commitment with their clients, partners, suppliers, employees, society and regulation organisms. As a consequence of all this, an integrated policy was created based on the following commitments:

  • Accomplishment of the legal requisites, statutory, standards and the one demanded by the clients related to Quality, Environmental and Health and Safety applicable to the business;
  • The prevention of non-conformities or the non-attendance of any requisite of the client must be considered by the leadership of the company in all the activities that is realized or delegated, such as any decision taken;
  • Assure the motivation and awareness of all the employees, giving them proper training to those who develop their activities in a sustainable and responsible way with Quality;
  • Establish a method of work based at the continuous improvement by the development of management systems that allows an evolution in front of the objectives, each time more ambitious and with quality at the processes related to our products and services.
  • The Management System must be managed with effectiveness always performing critical analyses of the risks, objectives and goals, aspects and impacts and strategic objectives;
  • Demand from our suppliers the adoption of the criteria consistent with the principles determined at this policy;
  • Engage actions to protect and prevent the pollution of the Environment at the activities that we perform, mitigating or eliminating environmental aspects and impacts.
  • Engage actions to prevent injuries, harms and damages to the health of our employees, eliminating dangers and reducing safety and health risks and providing safe and healthy working conditions.
  • Ensure consultation and participation of workers and / or workers’ representatives in matters relevant to the management system, protecting workers from reprisals when reporting incidents, dangers, risks and opportunities.

This policy must be known by all the employees who develop activities at the unit of MAG ALIANÇA AUTOMÓVEIS DO BRASIL SSC S.A.